Monday, August 23, 2010


it's frustrating how last night, while trying to fall asleep I was thinking like a blogger. I thought in complete and even edited sentences.
"thought thought thought-no wait, THOUGHT thought thought"

Now I can't remember any of it- and I wonder why I would even think like that. Since when did I become fluent in the language of facebook, twitter and (though I'm really bad about it) blogspot? I hate when I catch myself doing that- thinking something and then edited it to the appropriate twitter-size, or facebook-wittiness factor.

Maybe I need to keep a notebook with me all the time so I remember the things I have to talk about. This would also come in handy when meeting new people. I could use it as a small-talk registry. Outline all the things I could say to any kind of person anywhere. Awkward silences be damned.

I also hate how these posts have little to no organization. But now I just thought, "But your BRAIN has little to no organization. Wouldn't it be really weird if all your thoughts were organized?
"FIRST we're going to think about what you want to eat. Then, once we get that out of the way, we can move on to all the things that bother you at work. If we can cross that off our list in a little while, then and ONLY do we have some wiggle room for day dreaming."

Wow I need to get back to work.

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