Monday, July 26, 2010


I modeled for my friend Janette on Friday. While the pictures will probably be on facebook and all that only concern is that I'll come across as one of those myspace models - the girls with no relevant experience, no particular talent/look/beauty...they just stare absentmindedly at the camera, mouth agape...and happen to think they're on par with kate moss. I have no desire to be one of those girls and I hope I never am. Nonetheless, the one picture I've seen so far isn't half bad.
Too bad crappy internet rgb jpeg, low def, whatever-I'm basically talking about the fact that the colors are all washed out whenever I post it somewhere- regardless of the "save for web" feature on photoshop.

My bestie in the worldie, Lauren Kay, wrote an entire post about the "attack" that occured last Saturday. One I'm still angry about. After going in to ID a photo of the girl with LK, and then having to tell the detective that, "no, that's not her"- I have yet to hear anything else about it. The one thing I keep thinking is "maybe they would care more if I had gotten really hurt." Isn't that sick? Lauren Kay's post is the best description of what happened:

My weekend included a night at the Surly Goat on Friday, a trip to Venice and a night in Hermosa with Brandon and 3 other Michigan boys. I like that being a couple gets you the kingsize bed in the hotel room-at least when you're with nice, polite midwesterners.


  1. I'm still reeling over hearing what happened to you... that's the scariest shit ever. I hope somehow, justice is served.

    Also, please allow me to invite myself along to the Surly Goat with you all next time... I freaking love that place.

  2. awww thanks mandoir!!!
    yes for sure- I'll definitely let you know. It's usually spur of the moment but I'll text you when find out.

  3. i never knew about this post/all the love you showed me , linking other victims to become prey in my rat's lair
