Monday, July 26, 2010


It’s amazing how much can be accomplished-or at least changed, in a few weeks. Actually, it’s not amazing at all. It’s a wonder more doesn’t happen in the allotted 24 hours of every day.

In no particular order, here is how my life has changed so far:

1. It took almost an entire month for CS5 to be installed on my work computer. While some may not think this is a big, life-changing event- for a designer, an adobe upgrade is like, getting 4 more hours to work on an urgent project. It’s the gift of efficiency. That is a very good gift.
It turned out the computer I had at work didn’t have an intel chip- and this is something adobe apparently requires of any machine worthy of supporting the software. So, along with the upgrade, I got a brand spanking new desktop computer. Not bad.

2. I got the tattoo. It didn’t really hurt- or more like, it would have hurt if it had lasted any more than 5 minutes. I love it- only now I’m realizing that with a tattoo comes the constant request to explain it- even to a stranger. Whatever, I have no right to be annoyed. It’s the equivalent of a celebrity getting pissed off at paparazzi- don’t want the attention? Don’t spend your life trying to become famous.

3. I happened to be in an elevator last week that free fell for 3 stories, then bounced up and down a bit between floors 2 and 3. Between plummeting to my death and getting stuck in an elevator for a while I choose the latter. But, since I was the only one of my friends who cried after Tower of Terror at Disneyland- I’d like to opt out of either option.

4. I was attacked-literally attacked- by a crazy bitch Saturday night. Tackled, hair pulled out, head smacked on pavement. For no reason. No reason. I can’t say what would have happened if I hadn’t been with friends and brandon. Long story short I’m incredibly frustrated with the justice system (gee…I wonder how many google hits that phrase would turn up).
We all know where she lives, what her first name is, what she looks like. There were 4 solid witnesses. And still…I’m waiting. The detective told me he’s going to go talk to her grandmother, the woman who actually lives in the apartment, tomorrow.
I’m freaked. I feel incredibly vulnerable. I always thought if someone tried to kill me…it probably would have been at least 5% my fault.

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